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The Annanta source smart kiosk incorporates Sushila AI and machine learning algorithms which have been fed with millions of patient data points that help it more accurately diagnose patients. In this busy working environment, people focus on their work and financial life, putting healthcare at the very bottom of their priorities.

The smart kiosk machine acts as a timely medical assistant. Instead of wasting time, people can just enter the kiosk machine, complete their primary check-ups, and obtain results instantly. This printed diagnosis list is taken to the doctor for further evaluation. It also empowers regular patients to get their tests done quickly without any appointments or waiting interminably for doctors. We are open for sales and partnership with healthcare and IT sectors. At present, the pre-book options are available, and product will be delivered on priority basis.

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We are open for sales and partnership with healthcare and IT sectors. At present, the pre-book options are available, and product will be delivered on priority basis.

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